Friday, May 2, 2008

Habib: Muslim Brotherhood Stance on May 4 Strike Has no Relation to Military Verdicts

IkhwanWeb - Cairo, Egypt

In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Mohamed Habib (first deputy-chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood) denied any relation between the harsh military tribunal verdicts against MB leaderships and the movement’s decision to join the call for May 4 strike.
He stated that the decision is based on careful examination of the situation on the ground, which necessitates training people on peaceful protests in an organized way, and enhancing the culture of protest among them which is no longer a taboo.
The MB endorsed May 4 strike because of the deepening economic and political crises in Egypt and because the regime turns a blind eye to all reform calls, Habib said.
“We reacted positively to this call in an attempt to exert pressure on the government to address people’s demands concerning low incomes, bread crises, and price hikes,” he added.


  1. inshallah May 4th will be Mubarak's death day

  2. Who is mubarak brother habib?
