Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obaidah in Brief



Obaidah Maher Abdul Mu’ti Alqudsi Dwaik.

He was born in the year 1984, in the occupied city of Hebron, Palestine. Obaidah’s father is a well known ustaz who graduated from Adina University. He is also a successful businessman.

Just like other Palestinian kids, Obaidah witnessed the outbreak of the first Palestinian Intifadah in 1987.

Obaidah started his education as early as 5 years in the kindergarten of the Islamic Youth Society. He later joined the Al-Shar’iyah School of the Islamic Charitable Organization. He completed his school education in 2002 with an excellent score of 84 %.

During his school days, Obaidah joined Al-Firdaus Islamic Nasheed Group where his Nasheed talents were discovered.

He later joined the International Islamic University Malaysia and earned a bachelor degree in Communications and Journalism.

During his presence at the International Islamic University Malaysia, Obaidah was one of the active students in co-curricular activities and was always a forerunner in working for any Ummatic issue.

Obaidah was elected into the main board of Al-Aqsa friends’ Society in 2003 to serve for one year as one of its most active members. Throughout this year, he contributed heavily to make Al-Aqsa a well-known and successful society in the IIUM community.

Eversince he joined Alaqsa, Obaidah demonstrated his talent through Alaqsa Nasheed group and performed on the IIUM stages from the year 2002 till 20008. In the year 2005 he led the Nasheed Group and managed to have successful appearances inside and outside IIUM.

Among the successful performances of Obaidah were the NAsheed performance in Aman Palestin Night 2006, the Palestinian Traditional Wedding Performance 2006, and the production of a new video clip for Meshari’s “Annal ‘Abdul” Nasheed in 2007.

In 2008 Obaidah returned to his hometown in Palestine to live with his family and run his father’s business. He got engaged few months later and arranged for his wedding to be held right after eid alfitri 1430H.

Unfortunately, the criminal Zionist soldiers didn’t let his family celebrate this eid happily with him! But, Alhamdulillah, his parents exhibited a great patience and thanked Allah for the great reward of martyrdom.

Obaidah was planning to come back to IIUM for masters. But, Allah granted him a much better certificate, which is Shahadah fi Sabeel-i-Allah.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obaidah Alqudsi


Obaidah Maher Abdul Mu’ti Alqudsi Dwaik.

Born in 1984 in Hebron city-Palestine for a respected family, his father is a well known ustaz and businessman.

Obaidah started his education as early as 5 years in the kindergarten of the Islamic Youth Society. He later joined the Al-Shar’iyah School of the Islamic Charitable Organization. He completed his school education in 2002 with an excellent score of 84 %.

He later joined the International Islamic University Malaysia where he earned a bachelor degree in Communications and Journalism.

During his presence at the International Islamic University Malaysia, Obaidah was one of the active students in cocurricular activities and was always a forerunner in working for any Ummatic issue. Obaidah was elected into the main board of Al-Aqsa friends’ Society in 2003 to serve for one year as one of its most active members. And from the year 2004 till 2007 he led the famous Al-Aqsa Nasheed Group in IIUM.

In 2008 he returned to his hometown in Palestine to live with his family and run his father’s business. He got engaged few months later and arranged for his wedding to be held right after eid alfitri. Unfortunately, the crinminal Zionist soldiers didn’t let his family celebrate this eid happily nor let Obaidah’s fiancée enjoy her future with him!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Goodbye Obaidah


Goodbye Obaidah

Obaidah Alqudsi, a Palestinain Nasheed artist, known among his friends for his beautiful voice and lovely character. 2 days ago, Obaidah passed away in an Israeli hospital, after being held as an injured prisoner. On 26th August, Obaidah was heading to the Abraham Mosque in the Old City of Hebron. While walking to the mosque, Israeli soldiers shot him 4 explosive bullets; two in the abdomen and two in his legs.

Obaidah, the peaceful soul was murdered in the street with cold blood. Ambulance vehicles were banned from attending to his bleeding body for 30 minutes. Seeing him bleeding didn’t satisfy their evil lust for blood, hence, they beat his body mercilessly. After a while, he was arrested and sent to an Israeli hospital in occupied Jerusalem. Ever since Obaidah was under their custody, he was in a comma. Obaidah spent about 3 weeks in the Israeli hospital; and his family was not allowed to visit him till the last day of his life!

On the morning of the 13th of September, Obaidah’s soul departed to its creator seeking his ultimate justice. Hasbunallahu wa ne’mal wakeel.

Obaidah will always be remembered among his family and friends for his sweet voice and lovely smile. His poetry and Nasheed will always be celebrated by Palestinians, Muslims and all free people of the world as true words of wisdom and honor.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Poetry Night


Alaqsa Friends' Society, Iraqi Students Union, and Yemeni Student's Union would like to invite you to a poetry night entitled:

"The Pains and Hopes of the Ummah in the dreams of Poets"

in conjunction with the celebration of :

Jerusalem; Capital of Arab Culture 2009

the program will be in Arabic... many interesting sessions..

see you there..

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Blogging again!

Before any introduction, I have to admit that I was not that committed in updating my blog in the past few months. This is due to many silly reasons, the strongest of which is my addiction to Facebook!
In fact, no intellectual activity steals my time more than Facebooking! Even reading, my favorite hobby comes second after Facebook!

Anyway, facebooking doesn't seem to be a valid excuse, hence, I'm back to blogging!
Starting from today, I will post articles every now and then, buyt with some sort of regularity.. well, one post a week isn't that bad, right?

Let's just wait and see, how much I can post in the upcoming days...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

1300 innocents murdered in Gaza and Israelis still care about their image..heh!



While surfing the "Israeli" newspaper Haaretz, I came across this article "Go to Durban II " written by Claude Kandiyoti, who is a Brussels-based entrepreneur and the publisher of Contact J, a monthly of the Belgian Jewish community.

The article reads:

“On January 11, in the very heart of Brussels, the capital of Belgium and of united Europe, some 50,000 people demonstrated "for peace in the Middle East." In actuality, as the flags, posters, speeches and slogans showed, this was a demonstration for Hamas, Hezbollah and even Al-Qaida. At the front marched a bunch of prominent left-wing Belgian politicians, including Isabelle Durant, the president of the Ecolo (green) party; Francoise Dupuis, the Socialist housing minister for the Brussels region; and other luminaries of Belgian and local politics. In the background, a huge poster sporting a Star of David equated with a swastika made a nice accompaniment to the whole procession.

Elio Di Rupo, the president of the Socialist Party, perhaps more politically astute than the others, left the scene after a short stint in the company of Leila Shahid, the Palestinian Authority's representative to the European Union. Nonetheless, in an interview televised nationally, he called on the international community to try the Israeli leadership - including, I suppose, his Socialist International colleagues from Israel's Labor Party - for war crimes.

At the demonstration, I approached Dupuis and asked her whether she was not slightly embarrassed by the prominent display of Hezbollah and Hamas flags. After all, I noted, the European Union has classified both organizations as "terrorist."

"Not at all," she responded. "We are all here to support the resistance against occupation..."

Belgium might be extreme when it comes to the lack of sophistication of its political elite, but the feelings behind this kind of behavior are by no means exceptional in contemporary Europe. Although the daily political discourse across the continent is replete with mentions of how important it is not to "import" the Middle East conflict to European shores, the truth is: The conflict is already here. It rages in Brussels, Paris, London and elsewhere, ignited by brainwashed Muslim youths and encouraged by irresponsible politicians and journalists. Some of these, especially on the extremes of the ideological spectrum, are genuinely anti-Israeli and/or anti-Semitic, while others are guided by petty political calculations. The result is the same. And this is only the beginning.

On the grim journey on which we have embarked, the Geneva World Conference against Racism, known as Durban II (April 20-24), threatens to be a climactic station. Some 100,000 to 200,000 people are expected to convene on the shores of Lake Geneva, officially, in an effort to advance the fight against all forms of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance. However, from all accounts, this gathering will probably turn out to be a renewed attempt to single out Israel as the paragon of evil and to deem it unfit to dwell among the nations. Suffice it to say that the preparatory commission for the conference is chaired by the Libyan representative to the UN, who is aided by, among others, the representatives of Pakistan, Iran and Cuba. The initial draft declaration they submitted to the participants, last October, offered a glimpse at what promises to be an even worse version of Durban I. And in the meantime, the recent events in Gaza only added fuel to the flames.

The good news is that Israel and the Jews are no longer alone in the dock. This time, the assault seems to be directed at the entire West and its values. What is needed is a common front of enlightened nations to respond to this assault. The question is, how to do it.

My suggestion is not to boycott Geneva, at least not initially - for at least three reasons. If Israel and mainstream Jewish organizations refrain from going to Geneva, the only Jews who will be there will be the Netorei Karta, the extremist anti-Zionist Orthodox group that has made common cause with Hamas and Iran. If Israel stays at home and leaves the Jewish organizations to go it alone, they will feel obliged to "represent" it and to defend Israeli policy, which is clearly not their role. And above all, it now looks as though, apart from Israel and Canada, the rest of the world is likely to be there, including the United States. The Europeans will be there, armed with clearly defined "red lines": against singling out a country, against drawing up a hierarchy of victims, and against any attempt to infringe on the basic right to free speech by way of a prohibition of criticizing religion. It is better to be there, to help build the lines of defense. There will always be time to leave, if and when it becomes clear that they have collapsed.

Let us not forget the lofty ideals that motivate genuine guardians and advocates of human rights. We Jews have always been at the forefront of the battle against racism and racial discrimination. If the conference gets hijacked, as it may well be, we can depart with our integrity intact, knowing that we have reaffirmed our own values. If we boycott the conference before it even starts, we cede the debate to the hijackers. In Israel, in each of our countries, and at Durban II, we need to stand our ground.”

After all the innocents they killed they want to wash their hands from our blood and propagate their lies and pretexts again! Let's prevent them from spreading their lies!!

It's the task of our Free brothers and sisters around the world to stand up for truth and address Zionists with their true title "RACIST".

Monday, January 26, 2009

Save Gaza Demo - Episode 3

Many people were surprised when the so-called Palestinian ambassador misbehaved on that day, they never expected anyone to ask for pictures of resistance leaders and martyrs be put down! However, I was not surprised at all! What do you expect from someone who believes freedom can be achieved through humiliating peace talks and silly negotiations! It's the Oslo way of thinking that pushed him to do what he did!
I like the way how one of my friends explained what happened. He said, "some people are very sensitive to pictures of Leaders of Dignity and models of Glory, they get frustrated to see the face of heroes like sheikh Yassin and Dr. Rantisi, this is simply because these sensetive people have forgotton the meaning of dignity and lost the sense of honor!".
Whether what he said makes sense or not, it is very unacceptable for some one with dignity to disrespect his national heros! at the end both Hamas and Fatah believe sheikh Yassin and Dr. Rantisi are national heros!

for now, lets just watch these two clips and try to find a reason for us to pardon "his excellency"!!



Monday, January 5, 2009

Save Gaza Demo - Episode 2

A comment I wrote on YB Khairy Jamaluddin's blog and I'd like to share with you all:

First of all, I would like to tank you YB Khairy Jamaluddin for your support and sympathy with Palestine, and Palestinians particularly Gaza.. I also would like to agree with what you said about the disunity of our Islamic Ummah, allow me to quote your words;
"Even the Palestinian political leadership show little semblance of unity to fight the common enemy. This is truly the greatest tragedy of our time."

Actually, this is very true, It applies to the -illegitimate- government in Ramallah!
While Gaza is being attacked nowadays, President Abbas is blaming Hamas for the tragedy! his stance was very disappointing!

For your information, there are more than 600 Palestinian political prisoners in West Bank prisons! Just because Abbas doesn't like Hamas and anyone sharing its ideology he strikes them so badly in the West Bank!

My father has been jailed for about 70 days in isolation in a "Palestinian" prison! my father is a 50 years old school teacher who happened to be a religious man! No political inclination, but for Abbas government anyone who is religious is Hamas!! what a philosophy!!

Anyway, the Palestinian High Court ruled that my dad should be released as he didn't commit any crime, felony or mistake!! yet my dad is still in prison!

To cut it short, as a Palestinian abroad, I stress that there is no sole and legitimate Palestinian representative in the world but the Palestinian Legislative Council PLC that was elected in 2006! Hamas won a sweeping victory then! The U.S. couldn't respect democracy, as was expected, but Muslims should be cleverer than that!

Anyway, my Malaysian brothers from Pemuda UMNO happened to see the discrimination and irresponsibility of the "Palestinian ambassador" last Friday when he ordered all pictures of Hamas leaders and martyrs (all of whom were Gaza leaders) be put down! His orders were respected of course, but his discrimination was very clear! Pictures of Fatah leaders were everywhere there!!

Finally, I thank you again and pray to Allah that Malaysia prospers and enjoys a great future, insyallah..

n by the way, GoodLuck in upcoming elections for Youth leader :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Save Gaza Demo - Episode 1

A pro-Palestine solidarity demo at the Palestinian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur became unpleasant as the Ambassador objected to the placards carrying pictures of Hamas leaders.
This is the comment malaysiakini.com chose to post on its video report of what i would rather call "A shameful attitude by the ambassador of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in Malaysia!"..
When the Malaysian brothers from UMNO Youth and the Malaysian Youth Conference entered the grounds of the embassy, they were expecting a warm welcome from the "Palestinian Ambassador", yet he welcomed them with a loud tone calling them to put down the pictures of some national Palestinian leaders and martyrs like Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi and Acting Prime Minister Ismael Hanneyah ...
More and more cries and shouts from the Diplomat ignited a war of words between him and some protesters! The demo that was supposed to show Palestinian unity showed instead, the extent to which some Palestinian diplomats dislike the elected Hamas government which is now under siege in Gaza!
For God's Sake, how could anyone claim he supports Gaza and its people when, in the same time, he disrespects their national figures!
I remember also, that while this mess was happening, an ignorant "Palestinian" brother started putting down the picture of sheikh Ismael Hanneyah, our elected PM. I told him then, why would you bring down the placard of PM Hanneyah while the banners of Mahmud Abbas pictures were everywhere?! His answer was simple, yet showed a very disgusting way of thinking! He said; Abbas is an elected President, while Hanneyah is the sacked PM!
well, let's ask this brother few questions;



If he just had a rational mind to think of the answers!
many more stories to tell... For now, let's pray that Allah save Gaza from its enemies!