Monday, August 10, 2009

Poetry Night


Alaqsa Friends' Society, Iraqi Students Union, and Yemeni Student's Union would like to invite you to a poetry night entitled:

"The Pains and Hopes of the Ummah in the dreams of Poets"

in conjunction with the celebration of :

Jerusalem; Capital of Arab Culture 2009

the program will be in Arabic... many interesting sessions..

see you there..

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Blogging again!

Before any introduction, I have to admit that I was not that committed in updating my blog in the past few months. This is due to many silly reasons, the strongest of which is my addiction to Facebook!
In fact, no intellectual activity steals my time more than Facebooking! Even reading, my favorite hobby comes second after Facebook!

Anyway, facebooking doesn't seem to be a valid excuse, hence, I'm back to blogging!
Starting from today, I will post articles every now and then, buyt with some sort of regularity.. well, one post a week isn't that bad, right?

Let's just wait and see, how much I can post in the upcoming days...