Few weeks ago, I had some doubts about the efficiency of having this blog. I told myself, I was just wasting my time writing those articles for myself! I thought only me and my brother were the only visitors. Fortunately, a good idea crossed my mind. I said to myself, why not count the visitors and decide on whether to continue posting new threads or not. Therefore, I added what they call a COUNTER!
In fact, I had to search the web and try learning about some computer stuff, with which I’m not a good friend, in order to add the counter. Alhamdulillah, after some trials I managed to add it!
Apparently, I realized that I’m having visitors. It really motivated me to know that people do visit this blog. Even if that visit was by coincidence!
Hence, from now on, I promise to give some more effort to develop this page as much as possible insha’llah.
Finally, I really appreciate your support and enthusiasm my dear visitors.